Welcome to Arneson Auction Service
If you are considering selling property, real or personal, Arneson Auction Service can maximize your sales revenue above any other method of selling. We promote the auction method of marketing and strive to prepare and deliver a service of professionalism, honesty and integrity resulting in success for our clientele.
Our education, experience and network capabilities stimulate competition among the bidders, securing you the highest price per sale. Arneson Auction Service will bring you potential buyers through our experience with advertising, value and appraisal, targeting the area of buyers you need.
An auction does not just happen. It requires careful planning, market knowledge, merchandising, proper promotion and careful attention to details. Arneson Auction Service provides all of the ingredients for a successful auction!
We are committed to you and the details of your sale. This has been the key to our success. With colorful advertising, internet photos, and professional signage much of the selling is already done by sale day. "We understand that we only have one chance to make your auction a success. And we're committed to doing just that.
Arneson Auction Service
Lonnie Arneson, Auctioneer
20886 River Road
Elm Springs, SD 57791
Phone: (605) 798-2525
Fax: (605) 798-2555

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